File tag/ImageRep

class tag.ImageRep


State supers
tom.State, tag


static tom.MutableArray registered;
The registered ImageRep classes.

Creating an NSImageRep


instance (id)
  imageRepWithContentsOfFile tom.String filename;
In subclasses that respond to imageFileTypes and imageRepWithData:, returns an object that has been initialized with the data in filename. NSImageRep's implementation returns an instance of the appropriate registered subclass.

  imageRepsWithContentsOfFile tom.String filename;
In subclasses that respond to imageFileTypes and imageRepWithData: (or imageRepWithData:), returns an array of objects that have been initialized with the data in filename. NSImageRep's implementation returns an array of objects (each an instance of the appropriate registered subclass) that have been initialized with the data in filename.

instance (id)
  imageRepWithPasteboard Pasteboard pasteboard;
In subclasses that respond to imagePasteboardTypes and imageRepWithData:, returns an object that has been initialized with the data in pasteboard. NSImageRep's implementation returns an instance of the appropriate registered subclass.

  imageRepsWithPasteboard Pasteboard pasteboard;
In subclasses that respond to imagePasteboardTypes and imageRepsWithData: (or imageRepWithData:), returns an array of objects that have been initialized with the data in pasteboard. NSImageRep's implementation returns an array of objects (each an instance of the appropriate registered subclass) that have been initialized with the data in pasteboard.

Checking Data Types

deferred boolean
  canInitWithData tom.Data data;
Overridden in subclasses to return YES if the receiver can initialize itself from data.

deferred boolean
  canInitWithPasteboard Pasteboard pasteboard;
Overridden in subclasses to return YES if the receiver can initialize itself from pasteboard.

deferred tom.Indexed
Returns an array of strings representing all file types.

deferred tom.Indexed
Returns an array of strings representing all pasteboard types.

deferred tom.Indexed
Returns an array of strings representing directly supported file types.

deferred tom.Indexed
Returns an array of strings representing directly supported pasteboards.

Managing NSImageRep Subclasses

class (ImageRep)
  imageRepClassForData tom.Data data;
Return the ImageRep subclass that handles data of type data.

class (ImageRep)
  imageRepClassForFileType tom.String type;
Return the ImageRep subclass that handles data of file type type.

class (ImageRep)
  imageRepClassForPasteboardType tom.String type;
Return the ImageRep subclass that handles data of pasteboard type type.

  registerImageRepClass class (ImageRep) rep_class;
Adds rep_class to the registry of available ImageRep classes.

Return the registered ImageRep classes.

  unregisterImageRepClass class (ImageRep) rep_class;
Remove rep_class from the registry of available ImageRep classes.

instance tag.ImageRep


float width;
The size.
float height;

Setting the Size of the Image


  setSize (float, float) (w, h);
Set the size of the image.

(float, float)
Return the size of the image.

Specifying Information about the Representation

deferred int
Returns the number of bits per pixel in each component.

deferred int
Returns the name of the image's color space.

deferred boolean
Returns whether there is a coverage component.

deferred boolean
Returns whether the representation is opaque.

Return the height specified in the image data.

Return the width specified in the image data.

deferred void
  setAlpha boolean flag;
Informs the receiver whether there is a coverage component.

deferred void
  setBitsPerSample int bps;
Informs the receiver there are anInt bits/pixel in a component.

deferred void
  setColorSpaceName tom.String name;
Informs the receiver of the image's color space.

deferred void
  setOpaque boolean flag;
Informs the receiver of the image's opacity.

deferred void
  setPixelsHigh int h;
Informs the receiver that its data is for an image anInt pixels high.

deferred void
  setPixelsWide int w;
Informs the receiver that its data is for an image anInt pixels wide.

Drawing the Image

deferred boolean
Implemented by subclasses to draw the image.

deferred boolean
  drawAtPoint (float, float) (x, y);
Modifies current coordinates so the image is drawn at aPoint.

deferred boolean
  drawInRect (float, float, float, float) (x, y, w, h);
Modifies current coordinates so the image is drawn in aRect.

Generated by tm 1.01.