10.3. File too/DescriptorDelegate

class too.DescriptorDelegate

DescriptorDelegate classes are used to define the logic for handling read and write events on file Descriptors. Users should create new classes inheriting from either DescriptorReadDelegate or DescriptorWriteDelegate, providing an implementation of either readEventOnDescriptor or writeEventOnDescriptor respectively, to implement their application logic.

instance too.DescriptorDelegate

class too.DescriptorReadDelegate


State supers: DescriptorDelegate

instance too.DescriptorReadDelegate


deferred void
  readEventOnDescriptor Descriptor d;

The RunLoop has determined that the Descriptor d is readable.

class too.DescriptorWriteDelegate


State supers: DescriptorDelegate

instance too.DescriptorWriteDelegate


deferred void
  writeEventOnDescriptor Descriptor d;

The RunLoop has determined that the Descriptor d is writable.